Food Facts

June 16, 2015

Posted in Lemon

Juicing Lemon

Juicing Lemon
Note: When juicing citrus fruits it is highly recommended that you remove the outer skin first

Although they can be quite tart, if you mix lemon with other friuts and vegetables it can mask the sour flavour. Lemons are very good for cleaning and detoxifying the body, especially the liver and kidneys. Lemons have also been known to have anti-cancer properties.

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June 16, 2015

Posted in Lime

Juicing Lime

Juicing Lime
Note: When juicing citrus fruits it is highly recommended that you remove the outer skin first

Limes are handy for adding to vegetable juices to make them more palatable, and they can also be used to add a kick to fruit juices. Lime juice is also helpful in detoxifying and cleansing the body. It is also rich in vitamin C, and the antioxidants can neutralise free radicals that can cause ageing and cancer.

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June 16, 2015

Posted in Melon

Juicing Melon

Juicing Melon

Melons are great to juice due to their high water content – you can get a lot of juice out of them. This high water content also means it's very thirst quenching and hydrates the body – great for a hot summers day.

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June 16, 2015

Posted in Orange

Juicing Orange

Juicing Orange
Note: When juicing citrus fruits it is highly recommended that you remove the outer skin first

Oranges are the 3rd major source of vitamin C, after guava and kiwi, this is why they are great for adding into juices. The vitamin C can help to strengthen and stimulate our immune system, which helps to make it defensive against bacteria and viruses.

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June 16, 2015

Posted in Pineapple

Juicing Pineapple

Juicing Pineapple

Adding pineapple to your juice adds plenty of Vitamin C. This vitamin C can lower your risk of heart disease, gout and cancer to name a few. It will also boost your immune system, and can help to shorten the length of a cold. Vitamin C can also play a part in lowering your blood pressure, and could help to lower your risk of diabetes.

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June 16, 2015

Posted in Spinach

Juicing Spinach

Juicing Spinach

By adding spinach to your juices, you're providing your body with many great health benefits. One of the main ones is that spinach is very beneficial for the health of the cardiovascular system. Spinach contains Vitamins A, C and K which together can reduce cholesterol from building up on the blood vessel walls. This therefore reduces your risk of heart attack, stroke and heart disease. Also the magnesium that is found in spinach can aid to keep blood pressure and heart rhythm regular. Iron and Folic acid are also present in spinach, which means overall improved blood health, and also they aid in the prevention of anaemia.

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June 16, 2015

Posted in Spirulina

Juicing Spirulina

Juicing Spirulina

Spirulina is a super food that is found in powder form, and all you need to do is stir a teaspoon of it into your juice. Spirulina is packed with health benefits which is why it is a great Super Food. Spirulina provides the body with all the amino acids it needs, but can't produce on it's own.

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